Configuration and operation4.9 STEP 7 configurationCP 1242-7 GPRS V268 Operating Instructions, 10/2016, C79000-G8976-C311-02Block of data (ARRAY)With the ARRAY data type, contiguous memory areas up to a size of 64 bytes can betransferred. The following S7 data types are compatible components of ARRAY:● Byte, USInt (total of up to 64 per data block)● Int, UInt, Word (total of up to 32 per data block)● DInt, UDInt, DWord (total of up to 16 per data block)If the array is modified later, the data point must be recreated.Time stamp in UTC formatTime stamps are transferred in UTC format (48 bits) and contain the time difference inmilliseconds since 01.01.1970. Status IDs of data pointsStatus IDs of data pointsAlong with the value of a data point, status identifiers of the data point are transferred inevery frame. They can be evaluated by the communications partner.The status bits are converted to the OPC quality code as follows by TCSB.● Quality = BAD, if:NON_EXISTENT or OVER_RANGE = 1● Quality = UNCERTAIN, if:RESTART or CARRY or SB = 1● Quality = GOOD, if:Bits 1, 2, 3, 5 and 6 = 0For the meaning of the status bits, see below. The entries in the table row "Meaning" relateto the entry in the table row "Bit status".Table 4- 2 Bit assignment of status byte 0Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0Flag name - NON_EXISTENTSB LOCAL_FORCEDCARRY OVER_RANGERESTART ONLINEMeaning - Data pointdoes notexist or S7addressunreachableSubstitutevalue(Bit is notset.)Countedvalue over-flow beforereading thevalueLimit valueof the ana-log valueprepro-cessingovershot /undershotValue notupdatedafter startValue isvalid, CPUin RUNBit status(always0)1 1(irrelevant) 1 1 1 1