42 / 88 For internal use onlySiemens KNX bus communications CE1P3127enBuilding Technologies Communication via zone addresses 2013-04-087.1.4 Default value "----" in series B devicesThe "Geographical zone (apartment)" represents the room to be controlled. Withinthis zone, all process values relevant to the room are transmitted (e.g. roomoperating mode, room setpoint and measured room value, plus user interventionand other influences).The factory setting or default value for the RM… series B controllers is "---". Thisdefault value indicates that the zone is "out of service", i.e. no relevant processvalues are transmitted within this zone.Main menu > Commissioning > Communication > RoomOperating line Range Factory setting or default valueGeographical zone(apartment)----, 1...126 ----Time switch slave(apartment)----, 1...126 ----Factory setting or default value "----" applies to all RM… series B controllers.In the "Autonomous controller" application, a ventilation system is controlledindependently of other plant, according to its own room operating conditions.For this application there is no need to set a zone address for the "Geographicalzone (apartment)", i.e. the default "---" can be left as is.IntroductionSetting valuesNoteAutonomous controller