Device Management 3This section describes how to connect to and manage the device.3.1 Connecting to the DeviceThe following describes the various methods for accessing the RUGGEDCOM RX1510console and Web interfaces on the device. For more detailed instructions, refer to theRUGGEDCOM ROX User Guide for the RUGGEDCOM RX1510.Serial Console and Management PortsConnect a workstation directly to the serial console or management ports to accessthe boot-time control and RUGGEDCOM RX1510 interfaces. The serial console portprovides access to RUGGEDCOM RX1510's console interface, while the managementport provides access to RUGGEDCOM RX1510's console and Web interfaces.NOTICEThe serial console and management (MGMT) ports are intended to be used only astemporary connections during initial configuration or troubleshooting.Connection to the console port is made using an RJ-45-to-DB9 console cable. The fol-lowing is the pin-out for the console port:18Figure 3.1 RJ-45 Console Port Pin Config-urationPinRJ-45MaleDB9FemaleName Description1 6 DSRa Data Set Ready2 1 Reserved (Do Not Connect)3 4 DTRa >Data Ter-minal Ready4 5 GND Signal Ground5 2 RxD Receive Da-ta (to DTE)6 3 TxD Transmit Da-ta (from DTE)7 8 CTSb Clear to Send8 7 RTSb >Read to Send9 RIc Ring Indicatora The DSR, DCD and DTR pins are connected together internally.b The CTS and RTS pins are connected together internally.c RI is not connected.RUGGEDCOM RX1510Installation Manual, 12/2019, C79000-G8976-1055-16 19