RUGGEDCOM ROX IICLI User GuideChapter 5Setup and ConfigurationConfiguring IPv6 Neighbor Discovery 595• interface is the name of the interface3. Configure the following parameter(s) as required:Parameter Descriptionenable-ra Synopsis: typelessEnable to send router advertisement messages.adv-interval-option Synopsis: typelessIncludes an Advertisement Interval option which indicates tohosts the maximum time in milliseconds, between successiveunsolicited router advertisements.home-agent-config-flag Synopsis: typelessSets/unsets the flag in IPv6 router advertisements whichindicates to hosts that the router acts as a home agent andincludes a home agent option.home-agent-lifetime { home-agent-lifetime } Synopsis: An integer between 0 and 65520Default: 1800The value to be placed in the home agent option, when the homeagent configuration flag is set, which indicates the home agentlifetime to hosts. A value of 0 means to place a router lifetimevalue.home-agent-preference { home-agent-preference } Synopsis: An integer between 0 and 65535Default: 0The value to be placed in the home agent option, when the homeagent configuration flag is set, which indicates the home agentpreference to hosts.managed-config-flag Synopsis: typelessThe flag in IPv6 router advertisements, which indicates tohosts that they should use the managed (stateful) protocolfor addresses autoconfiguraiton in addition to any addressesautoconfigured using stateless address autoconfiguration.other-config-flag Synopsis: typelessThe flag in IPv6 router advertisements, which indicates to hoststhat they should use the administered (stateful) protocol to obtainautoconfiguration information other than addresses.ra-lifetime { ra-lifetime } Synopsis: An integer between 0 and 9000Default: 1800The value (in seconds) to be placed in the Router Lifetime fieldof router advertisements sent from the interface. Indicates theusefulness of the router as a default router on this interface.Setting the value to zero indicates that the router should not beconsidered a default router on this interface. It must be eitherzero or between the value specified with the IPv6 nd ra-interval(or default) and 9000 seconds.reachable-time-msec { reachable-time-msec } Synopsis: An integer between 0 and 3600000Default: 0The value (in milliseconds) to be placed in the Reachable Timefield in the router advertisement messages sent by the router.The configured time enables the router to detect unavailableneighbors. The value zero means unspecified (by this router).4. Type commit and press Enter to save the changes, or type revert and press Enter to abort.