Connectable components9.3 PP 72/48D 2/2A PNNCU 7x0.3 PN130 Manual, 09/2011, 6FC5397-1EP40-0BA0● Technical data:Table 9- 45 Electrical specification of the digital inputs:Digital inputs min. max. NominalHigh-level voltage (UH) 15 V 30 V 24 VInput current IIN at VH 2 mA 15 mA -Low-level voltage (UL ) -30 V +5 V 0 VSignal delay time T PHL 0.5 ms 3 ms -Signal delay time T PHL rapid inputs (X222: DI 3.0 to3.7)- - 600 μsDigital outputs● Features– No galvanic isolation.– Protection against: Short-circuit, overtemperature, and loss of ground.– Automatic disconnection in case of undervoltage.● Terminal assignment for the digital outputs:The following figure shows an example of the terminal assignment for the digital outputson connector X111. Connectors X222 and X333 are assigned analogously.([WSRZHUVXSSO\9'&VWDELOL]HG;;;3LQQXPEHU'ULYHU'ULYHU'ULYHU5HOD\33'$319 9'2&20[::::1 (M)0Figure 9-18 Terminal assignment for the digital outputsCAUTIONA max. current of Iout = 0.25 A at X111, X222, X333 where the demand factor is 100%:Pin 2 must not be exceeded.