en Refrigerator compartment20▶ Refreeze food only after cooking.▶ These items should no longer bestored for the maximum storageperiod.The temperature alarm can beswitched on in the following cases:¡ The appliance is switched on.Do not store any food until the ap-pliance has reached the set tem-perature.¡ Large quantities of fresh food arebeing placed inside.Switch on Super freezing beforeplacing large quantities of food inthe appliance.¡ The freezer compartment door isopen for too long.Check whether the frozen food hasdefrosted or thawed.Switching off the temperaturealarm▶ Press .a The warning tone is switched off.10 Refrigerator compart-mentYou can keep meat, sausage, fish,dairy products, eggs, prepared mealsand pastries in the refrigerator com-partment.The temperature can be set from2 °C to 8 °C.The refrigerator compartment canalso be used to store highly perish-able foods in the short to mediumterm. The lower the selected temper-ature, the longer the food remainsfresh.10.1 Tips for storing food inthe refrigerator compart-ment¡ Only store food when fresh andundamaged.¡ Store food covered or in air-tightpackaging.¡ To avoid impeding the circulationof air and to prevent food fromfreezing, do not place food so thatit has direct contact with the backwall.¡ Allow hot food and drinks to cooldown first before placing in the ap-pliance.¡ Observe the best-before date oruse-by date specified by the manu-facturer.10.2 Chill zones in the refri-gerator compartmentThe air circulation in the refrigeratorcompartment creates different chillzones.Coldest zoneThe coldest zone is in the storagecontainer.Tip: Store highly perishable foodsuch as fish, sausages and meat inthe coldest zone.Warmest zoneThe warmest zone is at the very topof the door.Tip: Store food that does not spoileasily in the warmest zone, e.g. hardcheese and butter. Cheese can thencontinue to release its aroma and thebutter will still be easy to spread.