right page (1) of HKW-600 en, A31008-H6551-A102-1-4W28 (12.08.2004,© Siemens AG 2003, W:\ICM_MP_CCQ_S_UM\03FL00443 Car Kit 65\CK_Final\Car_Kit_Bluetooth_2\Frame\HKW-600_en.fm1VAR Language: unknown; VAR issue date: 12-March-2003Car Kit Blue-tooth (en) CompatibilityThe Car Kit Bluetooth (hereafterreferred to as "Car Kit") is intend-ed for the following phones:• Siemens mobile phones witha Bluetooth interface.• Siemens mobile phones S55,SX1 and mobile phones witha Bluetooth interface fromother manufacturers canalso be used with limitedfunctionality.• Siemens mobile phones of the65 Series or later without aBluetooth interface (use withoptional holder possible).Safety precautionsThese installation instructions onlyprovide basic information. Becausethe different car makes and car radioconnections require different installa-tions, the assembly must be per-formed in line with the individualcircumstances.Please read the operating instructionsand the safety precautions carefullybefore use!Remember to comply withlegal requirements and lo-cal restrictions when usingthe phone. This could ap-ply e.g. when driving or atpetrol stations.General and vehicle-spe-cific guidelines for the in-stallation of add-ondevices must be observed;where applicable, profes-sional assistance shouldbe sought (in the case ofelectrical fusing, wiring,contact with hot compo-nents, contact with fuel,etc.).The installation of the com-ponents must not impede:• The driver's freedom ofmovement, safety or lineof vision• The safety of any pas-senger (especially in theevent of an accident)• The vehicle's safetymechanisms (airbag,seat belts, etc.)Take care during installa-tion! Young children maychoke on small parts.