Rev 1.0.1, Dec. 2006 HE40T Quickstart Guide 17FIGURE 1–28. UII CodesBatch ModeThe HE40T unit features a batch mode for applications requiring aportable reader. Batch mode allows a user to store scanned data tothe reader’s non-volatile memory. You may transfer the data to ahost computer when needed. To utilize batch functionality, you willneed to use the BH1/BH2 battery handle.The HE40T dedicated batch memory is a minimum of 1MB. Todetermine the number of reads that may be stored, divide theaverage bytes of a scan into the total minimum memory.Auto Transfer Buffer MemoryBy default, when reconnected, the HE40T will automaticallytransfer any data in memory once a connection to a host isestablished. If your application is not ready, the reader will send thedata anyway and the data could be lost. If you do not wish for thereader to immediately send data upon connection, please scan theDisable Auto Transfer Buffer Memory.UII DM On UII OffUII/ISO 15434 DM On UII DM with Data FieldUII/ISO 15434 DM with Data FieldSave SettingsUII On for all Symbologies