38SMS (text messages)Write a text messages as follows:The EATONI (page 103) predictive text feature helps you write your message.The Ç icon tells you if EATONI is activated (default setting: on). You can turn EATONI offat any time using Options, s / s Predictive Text .Saving text messagesRequirement: You have written a text message (page 37) and the input field is open.The message is stored in the outgoing message list. It can be retrieved and sent later(page 40).v / w ¢ î ¢ Write message~ Input your text (for text input see page 103).i◆ Use 1 to insert a space, and * to toggle between upper case, lowercase and digits (page 103).◆ If you receive a text message that is incomplete (e. g. because yourtelephone memory is full), you will be notified of this.213SMS 572(1)with tomorrowhgiX OptionsÇ Abc 541 Remaining number of characters, in brackets: SMS part 1-n2 SMS text3 Selection line4 EATONI is activated5 Upper/lower case or digitsOKOptions Open the submenu.s / s Save Entry Select and confirm. You can then send the text mes-sage (page 39).OK