3ENDialling pausesOne or more dialling pauses(not at 1st digit) can beentered using <. Pausesare transferred to the memoryand are necessary for certainextension systems (e.g.:0 < 2368).◆ Dialling a dialling pausewithin the first 5 digits:The entire number saved isdialled, including the2-second dialling pause.◆ Dialling a dialling pauseafter the first 5 digits:The portion of the numbersaved after the pause isonly dialled after pressingthe < key.Adjusting thetelephoneSetting the handsetvolumeThe handset volume can beset to 2 levels.E Press Handset vol-ume control key.MuteYou can deactivate the tele-phone's microphone.During a call:J Press mute key.To reactivate microphone:Press the mute key again.Setting the ringerYou can set the ringer fre-quency and volume to 9 levels(factory default: level 6) orturn it off.c? Lift the handset,press the Set key.# Press the hash key.0...9 Press one of thenumber keys. (0:Ringer off untilhandset is nextlifted).? Press Set key.Operation on a PABXSpecial functions/RecallkeyDuring an external call, youcan make an enquiry or for-ward the call. To do this, pressthe recall key >. Thesubsequent proceduredepends on your PABX.By default, the recall key is setto flash time 1 (pulse/toneswitch in "Tone 1" position).For connection to a PABX, itmay be necessary to changethe flash time (e.g. pulse/toneswitch to "Tone 2"). To do this,please refer to the operatinginstructions for your PABX.Changing the diallingmodeBy default, your telephone isset to tone dialling mode(Tone 1). Depending on thedialling mode of your PABX,you may need to set the tele-phone to pulse dialling (DP).Slide switch on underside ofunit:Temporary DTMF switching in"Pulse" positionTo use functions that requireDTMF (e.g. remote control ofanswering machine), you canset the telephone to DTMF forthe duration of the call with-out adjusting the switch.After the connection is estab-lished:* Press the star key.After the connection is bro-ken, the setting reverts to DP.Pulse: Pulse dialling mode (DP)Tone 1: Tone dialling mode, flash time100 msTone 2: Tone dialling mode, flash time280 ms