shortBoost en1310 shortBoostYou can use this function to heat up the cookwarefaster than with power level 9.0.After deactivating the function, select the appropriateongoing cooking setting for your food.The function can be selected when the option boost isdisplayed in the settings area for the cookware. Thefunction is only available for one item of cookware oneach side of the cooking surface.If you select settings for a different cooking zone on thesame side of the cooking surface, the booster functionis deactivated. The power level 9.0 is set automatically.If the function is activated in the centre of the cookingsurface, you can implement the settings for other cook-ware on the right- and left-hand sides of the hob.10.1 Recommended applications¡ Only use cold cookware.¡ Use cookware with a completely flat base. Do notuse cookware with a thin base.¡ Never heat up empty cookware or oil, butter or lardunattended.¡ Do not place a lid on the cookware.¡ You can find information on the type, size and posi-tioning of the cookware in the Suitable cookwaresection. → Page 610.2 Switching on shortBoost1. Select the cooking zone.2. Select Boost in the settings area.3. and light up.4. Press .10.3 Switching off shortBoost▶ Touch the cooking zone display and select anypower level in the settings area.Note: The shortBoost function automatically switchesoff after 30 seconds and then automatically switches topower level 9.0.11 Keep-warm functionYou can use this function to melt chocolate or butter,and to keep meals warm.11.1 Switching on Keep-warm function1. Select the cooking zone.2. Select the lowest power level in the settings area.a lights up.a The function is switched on.11.2 Switching off Keep-warm function1. Select the cooking zone.2. Select a different power level in the settings area.a goes out.3. The function is switched off.