Definitions of terms10Building Technologies DMS8000_Application_Specification_&_Planning_MP4.10_A6V10063710_a_enFire Safety & Security Products 06.2007Definitions of termsHierarchical level concept A Danger Management System can be structured into 3 hierarchical levels: Management level (central evaluation)The majority of the human interface takes place at this level. Standard computers running a variety of dis-play, management, and analysis software packages usually provide the functionality. Automation level (local evaluation and data communication)The majority of the real-time control functions are carried out at this level. The devices are self-containedcontrollers and communication products distributed as required within the building.The local evaluation part consists mainly of the control units.The data communication part consists of the transmission path between the local control units and theterminal system. Field level (data acquisition)This level contains the devices that connect to the physical items of a plant, including sensors and actua-tors. Products in this level are simple in nature, but may provide some local control and safety-functions.At this level we can find elements as:-Automatic detectors-Manual call points-Signalling devices, contacts-Control elementsThe individual elements are usually combined in alarm zones and are connected to the control unit.Automation level configu-rationThe Automation level configuration relates to the variety of possible connections of subsystems (controlpanels, such as AlgoRex) via possible network structures to the DMS (connectivity of automation levelsubsystems to management level).BAU (Siemens) Building Automation products.DMS Danger Management System.FS (Siemens) Fire Safety and Security products.Head end The head end of a system is the Management Station on the management level providing the User Interfaceto the final user.HVP (Siemens) Heating and Ventilation products.LAN Local area network.Management level con-figurationThe Management level configuration relates to the configuration possibilities of DMS Client/Server structureitself, without taking into account any subsystem connectivity. The DMS acts as a management level gate-way providing downstream connectivity to the automation, and exposing data upstream via the user inter-face.SES (Siemens) Security Systems.Total Building Solutions(TBS)TBS is a combined Market Offering of the Divisions BAU, FS and SES with the scope to describe the Sie-mens Building Technologies (SBT) approach to the integrated building management systems.WAN Wide area network.