P/N 315-050019-6Installation InstructionsModel D2325CPSSingle Mode (1310nm) Fiber Optic InterfaceINTRODUCTIONThe Model D2325CPS from Siemens Industry, Inc. (SeeFigure 1) is a Fiber Optic interface for the MXL’s RS-485network (MNET or XNET), FireFinder XLS/Desigo FireSafety Modular/Cerberus PRO Modular network(HNET or XNET) and HUB-4 FSI. It uses a two-fiber(duplex) pair between each device. The D2325CPS canfunction as either a repeater or an end point unit.DATAXTMRDATAXTMRPOWERBADATARECDATARECD2325CPSPOWER +24 VDC -1-2(DO NOT USE) -4(DO NOT USE) -3- DATA -2+ DATA -1Figure 1D2325CPS ModuleThe D2325CPS can operate in either a daisy chain(See Figure 2) or star configuration (See Figure 3).This allows for network configurations that are notpossible with the RS-485 network alone.WARNING:The D2325CPS module is not listed for use byFactory Mutual. Applications requiring fiber con-nectivity of voice modules/systems are thereforenot Factory Mutual listed.WARNING:Do not use the D2325CPS with CXL Systems.MOUNTINGThe D2325CPS has four keyhole slots for #6 screws.Mount the device in the locations listed below usingthe four #6 screws provided.A bracket (P/N 500-692880) is available for mountingthe D2325CPS in any MXL enclosure that will accepta MOM-4 (See Figure 4). This bracket has the samefootprint as the MOM-4 and accommodates twoD2325CPS modules. An assembly kit is included withthe bracket that contains four nuts and eight screws.Mount the bracket in the enclosure with the four nutsat the positions labeled X (See Figure 4). Start four ofthe 6-32 screws and slip the keyhole slots in theD2325CPS over them. Tighten the four screws.System 3 style rails that mount on an MBR-2 or MME-3backbox (P/N MSR-1) are also available and can beused for mounting the D2325CPS with the System 3MPFO Bracket. Up to three brackets can be installed ona single rail.A bracket, Model D2300-MP, is available for mountingtwo D2325CPS modules in any FireFinder XLS/Desigo Fire Safety Modular/Cerberus PRO ModularCAB enclosure. The D2300-MP fits in the samefootprint as a CC-5 and mounts to the CAB-MP. Ahardware kit is provided for attaching the D2300-MP tothe CAB-MP and mounting two D2325CPS modulesonto the D2300-MP. Mount the D2325CPS modulesprior to installing the D2300-MP onto the CAB-MP.Note that when using two D2325CPS modules, thecenter two mounting holes on each D2325CPS sharethe two center studs on the D2300-MP (See Figure 5).ELECTRICAL CONNECTIONSPOWER INPUTThe D2325CPS uses filtered or unfiltered 24 VDC.The D2325CPS can only be powered from thesources listed in Table 1 on page 6.Siemens Industry, Inc.Building Technologies DivisionFlorham Park, NJSiemens Canada, Ltd.1577 North Service Road EastOakville, OntarioL6H 0H6 Canada