Approvals and certificatesApprovals and certificatesElectromagnetic compatibilityThe SIMATIC NET product meets the requirements of the EC Directive:2004/108/EEC "Electromagnetic Compatibility"The communications processor is designed for use in the following areas:RequirementsArea of applicationEmission ImmunityResidential area, businessand commercialoperations, and smallbusinessesEN 61000-6-3 EN 61000-6-1Industrial area EN 61000-6-4 EN 61000-6-2Installation guidelinesThe products meet the requirements if you adhere to the installation and safetyinstructions contained in this chapter "Approvals and certificates" and in the"SIMATIC NET, Industrial Ethernet Network Manual" during installation andoperation.EC Declaration of ConformityYou will find the EC Declaration of Conformity for this communications processor onthe Internet at the following address: → section Self-help; enter "EC Declaration ofConformity" and the product name ;Example German: "EG-Konformitätserklärung CP 1612 A2",Example English: "Declaration of Conformity CP 1612 A2".Machinery directiveCommunications processors are not machines in the sense of the EC MachineryDirective 2006/42/EEC. There is therefore no declaration of conformity relating to thecurrent version of the EC Machinery Directive 2006/42/EEC for these products.If the products are part of the equipment of a machine, they must be included in thedeclaration of conformity procedure by the manufacturer of the machine.CP 1612 A230 A5E01169863-01, Release 04/2009