,QWURGXFWLRQIndustrial Ethernet Wireless LAN RLM Manager, CP 1515 ManagerC79000-G8976-C171-01 69Both the CP 1515 Manager and the RLM Manager offer logging functionsthat can save measurement data for later evaluation or comparison withprevious measurements. You can view saved log files with any ASCII editor,or import the data into standard spreadsheet or database applications.127(i Alternatively you may use the RLM Manager program to monitorwireless performance of both wireless systems via Radio LinkModules (see Remote Link Test Window (page 103)).The SIMATIC NET IWL products have been designed to beinterchangeable with all other wireless LAN products that use thedirect sequence radio technology, as identified in the IEEE 802.11standard for wireless LANs. Operating in the unlicensed 2.4 GHzband, the SIMATIC NET IWL system can transmit through walls andfloors, giving you the freedom to roam throughout the networkwhile maintaining your network connection.This means that your SIMATIC NET IWL hardware will communicatewith other vendors’ IEEE 802.11 compliant wireless LAN products.However, you may not always be able to use the SIMATIC NET IWLsoftware suite in combination with other vendors’ products, due tothe following reasons:• The IEEE 802.11 standard for wireless LANs does not identifystandards for diagnostic or management tools; i.e. each vendormay have designed a customized tool to configure and/ormanage the IEEE 802.11 wireless network.