EnglishAdditional Equipment Manual EEx p E-3Order No.: A5E 000 58873-021. Description1.1 Application rangeThe C 6F, O 6F and U 6F analyzers are used to measure individual components in gas mixtures. Inconjunction with a certified EEx p safety device guaranteeing the pressurized enclosure, theseanalyzers can be used in hazardous areas of zone 1. The EEx p safety device guarantees definedpre-purging in the housing, and also the required pressurized enclosure during operation.Two alternatives are possible for the pressurized enclosure EEx p, and can be considered asequivalent:- Pressurized enclosure EEx p with "Compensation of losses resulting from leaks" and- Pressurized enclosure EEx p with "Continuous purging".The analyzer version can be recognized by the bold printed digit in the Order No.:Pressurized enclosure EEx p With "Compensation of lossesresulting from leaks"With "Continuous purging"CALOMAT 6F 7MB251x–xxx0x–xAEx 7MB251x–xxx0x–xAFxOXYMAT 6F 7MB201x–xxxxx–2or3xxx 7MB201x–xxxxx–6or7xxxULTRAMAT 6F 7MB211x–xxxxx–2or3xxx 7MB211x–xxxxx–6or7xxx1.2 External explosion protectionThe "External explosion protection" serves to prevent penetration of explosive gas mixtures (gasdamp) into the housing or ignition on the surface. For this reason, the analyzer is purged withprotective gas, and the control panel operated via an intrinsically-safe isolating component.1.2.1 Pre-purging phaseThe pre-purging phase serves to displace any combustible gases present prior to switching on theanalyzer. During this time (5 min), the housing is purged with 5 times its own volume.1.2.2 Operating phaseThe pre-purging phase is followed by the operating phase:- In EEx p mode with "Compensation of losses resulting from leaks", only that volume ofprotective gas required to hold an overpressure of ≥≥≥≥ 50 Pa compared to atmospheric and the samplegas is added.- In EEx p mode with "Continuous purging", the protective gas flows through the housing at≥≥≥≥ 1 l/min. An overpressure of ≥≥≥≥ 50 Pa compared to atmospheric is built up at the same time.Either inert gas (e.g. nitrogen) or air must be used as the protective gas depending on the sample gascomposition. Dissipation of the protective gas into the Ex zone is only permissible with sparkprotection and a particle barrier.1.3 Internal explosion protectionInternal explosion protection refers to the sample gas path (containment system CS) in the analyzerand to the ignition protection of the process gas. A differentiation must be made between the followingcases:- Non-combustible sample gases and gas mixtures below the LEL: flame inhibitors can beomitted. However, it must be guaranteed that the sample gas in the CS always remains below thelower explosive limit!- Sample gases which are seldom combustible and only for a brief period: flame inhibitors can beomitted.- Occasionally explosive sample gases: these may only be connected to the C 6F and O 6F gasanalyzers if both the sample gas inlet and outlet are provided with a flame inhibitor. The U 6Fanalyzer may also be used without flame inhibitors.The flame inhibitors must meet the safety requirements for the combustible medium.- Frequently or permanently explosive gas mixtures: these must not be connected!- Sample gases above the upper explosive limit: these must be assessed individually according toseparate certification for use of an inert gas as the protective gas.