Profiles8Profiles§Menu§ ¢ ProfilesThree profiles are standard with defaultsettings, they can be changed however:Normal environment, Quiet environment,Noisy environmentYou can set two personal profiles().The special profile Aircraft mode cannot bechanged.ActivateSelect default profile or personal profile¢ §Select§.Change settingSelect profile ¢ §Options§ ¢ Change settingsThe list of available functions is displayed.Aircraft modeThe phone will automatically switch off ifyou select this profile. Even the alarmtone is deactivated. An alarm is onlyshown on the display. It is not possible tomodify this profileNormal operationThe next time you switch on the phoneand return to normal operation the de-fault profile will be activated.SetupDisplay§Menu§ ¢ Setup ¢ Display¢ Select a function.Language§Menu§ ¢ Setup ¢ LanguageSet the language of the display text."Automatic" will set the language of yourhome service provider. Reset to this lan-guage in standby status:* # 0 0 0 0 # AScreensaverThe screensaver shows a picture on thedisplay as soon as a period that can be setby you has elapsed. The function is endedby an incoming call or by pressing any key.Call setup§Menu§ ¢ Setup ¢ Call setup¢ Select a function.Hide ID bWhen switched on, the display of the call-ing party shows your phone number (de-pendent on service provider). To suppressthis display, you can activate the "Hide ID"mode.Call waiting bIf you are registered for this service, youcan check whether it is set and you canactivate/deactivate it with Call waiting.Minute beepDuring the call, you will hear a beep aftereach minute as a reminder of the timeelapsed.