20StepbyStepYou can use theMSN nächst.Wahl feature by allocating two MSNs to thehandsets 11 and 12 and switch to the MSN 22222 for this dialling procedure inthe process. This is not possible for handsets 13 and 14 as an alternative MSNwas not set up.Answering machine (AM) 1 was allocated to business use and AM 2 topersonal use.Ring delay per incoming MSNUsing the ring delay feature you can configure a handset for each individualincoming MSN to delay response to the call signal. However, during this ringdelay time the Comfort handset can accept the call using the “call pickup”function without a call signal queuing. When this feature is being configured,the time allowed by the answering machine for recording a message (default:Automatisch 2/4) must be taken into account. When the ring delay that hasbeen set is higher than the setting on the active AM, there is no call signal asthe answering machine accepts the call beforehand. Setting ring delay seepage 31.Allocating numbersThe Installation Assistant makes it very easy to perform the initial configuration.After initial installation you can call up the Installation Assistant at any time; toskip programming of the feature use the [NEIN] key and the next feature willbe displayed.