43Importing layout files and configurationtemplates into RCU ConnectThe RCU Connect installer does not installany customer layout files or configurationtemplates. Layout files and configurationtemplates are supplied by Siemensseparately, and are based on the RCUconfiguration template specification form(KMS-3100).When the layout files and configurationtemplates have been received fromSiemens, create a folder on the Windows®desktop called “RCU” and copy the layoutfiles and configuration templates into thisfolder (or any other convenient folder).If running RCU Connect for the first time,select “File Manager” from the main menu(refer to Figure 36: RCU Connect main menuon page 40) to bring up the file managerwindow as shown in Figure 37: RCU Connect- file manager window. Click the “Importfile” button and browse to the RCU directorycreated previously and click “OK”. See Figure38: Browse for folder dialog box. This willimport the template files into the correctlocation for RCU Connect to use in future.Template folder managementRCU Connect provides a shortcut to theconfiguration template folder by clicking the“Open Templates Folder” button. This willopen Windows® Explorer starting at theconfiguration templates folder. From here,the user can rename, copy, delete and movefiles manually.The default folder location for configurationtemplates and layout files may be changedto a new location by clicking the “ChangeTemplates Folder “ button. In the “BrowseFor Folder” box that appears, the user cannavigate to a new folder location, or createa new folder. Click “OK” to make the changefrom now on, or “Cancel” to leave the folderlocation as it was.The user will need to re-import the requiredconfiguration templates and layout filesafter changing the Templates folderlocation.Figure 37: RCU Connect ‒ file manager windowFigure 38: Browse for folder dialog box