Moving Calls 5–55. Moving CallsTo forwardinternal andexternal callsunder allconditionsé Get a dial tone.é Press the FORWARD key.é Dial the extension or dial 9 and the outsidenumber, to which you want your calls to beforwarded. Your primary line key status lightflickers and the FORWARD status light turnson to indicate that Variable Forwarding isactive for your extension.é Hang up.NoteFor this method of forwarding to work, FixedForwarding must not be active.To set upVariableForwardingoptions on adisplay phoneé Press the PROGRAM key. The PROGRAMstatus light turns on. PRESS FEATURE KEYOR DIAL CODE is displayed.é Press the FORWARD key. If your extensionhas been set up for Variable Forwarding, thefirst Variable Forwarding option is displayed,as shown under the following step.NoteOn CBX Release 9006.1 only, SYSTEM FORWARDis displayed if Fixed Forwarding has been set up foryour extension. It is followed by either ON or OFF,depending on whether Fixed Forwarding is currentlyactive. If Fixed Forwarding is on and you press theCLEAR key, Fixed Forwarding is deactivated.