128(* ) You can perform these checks while the motor is at standstill or, ifrequired, while running.• Further checks may be required if so specified in operating instructions ofcomponents or in accordance with the plant-specific conditions.• If you find any deviations during the inspection, you must rectify themimmediately. They may otherwise damage the motor.7.1.4 General inspectionCheck that the installation conditions are observed. We recommend that thefollowing checks are performed after approx. 16 000 operating hours or at thelatest after two years:Table 7-1 Checks that have to be performed during the general inspectionCheckingWhen themotor isrunningAtstandstillThe electrical parameters are maintained XThe permissible bearing temperatures are not exceeded XThe smooth running characteristics and machinerunning noise have not deteriorated XThe motor foundation has no cracks and indentations(*) X XThe machine is aligned within the permissible tolerancerangesXAll the fixing bolts/screws for the mechanical andelectrical connections have been securely tightenedXAll the potential connections, grounding connectionsand shield supports are correctly seated and properlybondedXThe winding insulation resistances are sufficiently high XAny bearing insulation is fitted as shown on the platesand labelsXThe CABLES and insulating parts and components are ingood condition and there is no evidence of discoloringX(* ) You can perform these checks while the motor is at standstill or, ifrequired, while running.