en10Not suitable forthe dishwasherThe following should not becleaned in the dishwasher:Wooden cutlery and utensils – thesewill leach out and become unsightly;even the utilised stickers are notsuitable for the temperatures whichoccur.Sensitive ornamental glasses, craftutensil and vases, special antiqueor irretrievable utensils. Theseornaments are not dishwasher-proof.Plastic parts sensitive to hot water.Copper and tin utensils.Utensils which are soiled with ash, wax,lubricating grease or ink.Absorbent materials such as spongesand cloths.Aluminium and silver parts havea tendency to discolour and fade duringthe wash cycle. Even some types of glass(e.g. crystal glass objects) may turn cloudyafter many wash cycles.Recommendation:In future buy utensils which are identifiedas dishwasher-proof.Damage to glassware and otherdishesPossible causes:type of glass or manufacturing processchemical composition of detergentwater temperature and duration ofdishwasher programme.Suggested remedy:Use glassware or porcelain dishes thathave been marked ’dishwasher–proof’by the manufacturer.Use a mild detergent that is describedas ’kind to dishes’. If necessary, seekfurther information from detergentmanufacturers.Select a programme with as low atemperature and as short a duration aspossible.To prevent damage, take glass andcutlery out of the dishwasher as soonas possible after the programme hasended.