Safety Precautions(a) Only qualified persons familiarwith the construction and operationof this equipment should performwork described in this set ofinstructions. Such work should beperformed only after reading thiscomplete set of instructions.(b) Follow safety related workpractices, as described in NFPA 70E,part II, at all times.(c) Hazardous voltages in electricalequipment can cause severe personalinjury or death. Energizing thisequipment for the first time afterinitial installation or maintenance ispotentially dangerous. Inspectionand maintenance should beperformed on this equipment andequipment to which power has beencut off, disconnected, and electricallyisolated so that no accidental contactcan be made with energized parts.(d )Some types of electricalequipment will cause harmonics inthe electrical system which mayresult in overheating. Consider thiscondition when determining thisequipment loading, as possiblede-rating of equipment may benecessary.ImportantThe information contained herein isgeneral in nature and not intendedfor specific application purposes. Itdoes not relieve the user ofresponsibility to use sound practicesin application, installation, operation,and maintenance of the equipmentpurchased. Siemens reserves theright to make changes in thespecifications shown herein or tomake improvements at any timewithout notice or obligations. Shoulda conflict arise between the generaladhere to the following warnings:(a) Danger! High Voltage. Qualifiedpersonnel only. Lock off all power tothis equipment before workinginside. Always work on de-energizedequipment. Always de-energizeequipment before performing anytests, maintenance or repair.(b) Warning! Always performmaintenance on the interruptingdevice after the closingmechanism(s) are discharged.(c) Caution! Always let an interlockdevice or safety mechanism performits function without forcing ordefeating the device.(d) Caution! Hydrocarbon spraypropellants and hydrocarboncompounds will cause degradation ofcertain plastics. Contact your localSiemens representative before usingthese products to clean or lubricatecomponents during installation ormaintenance.information contained in thispublication and the contents ofdrawings or supplementary materialor both, the latter shall takeprecedence.Qualified PersonFor the purpose of this manual andproduct labels, a qualified person isone who is familiar with theinstallation, construction, operationor maintenance of the equipmentand the hazards involved. In addition,this person has the followingqualifications:(a) is trained and authorized tode-energize, clear, ground, and tagcircuits and equipment in accordancewith established safety practices.(b) is trained in the correct care anduse of protective equipment such asrubber gloves, hard hat, safetyglasses or face shields, flash clothing,etc., in accordance with establishedsafety practices.(c) is trained in rendering first aid.Signal WordsThe signal words "Danger,""Warning" and "Caution" used in thismanual indicate the degree of hazardthat may be encountered by the user.These words are defined as:Danger - Indicates an imminentlyhazardous situation which if notavoided, will result in death orserious injury.Warning - Indicates a potentiallyhazardous situation which, if notavoided, could result in death orserious injury.Caution - Indicates a potentiallyhazardous situation which, if notavoided, may result in minor ormoderate injury.Dangerous ProceduresIn addition to other proceduresdescribed in this manual asdangerous, user personnel mustP1 Panel with i-3 Control Technology TM1