SL-C1000/3x00 Quickstart ///TRIsoft OHGSHARP SL-C1000/3x00 Page 33Go to the third page of the service menu.Choose the option “BACKUP RESTOREMENU” and press the OK key.Now you should see the menu as in theright picture (options 4, 8 and 10 areavailable on the SL-C3x00 only):Note for SL-C3x00: With option 4 you maycreate a backup of the harddisk. Let’s sayit again: It’s useless, you won’t need it !Keep your hands off option 10 “HDD 00Clear”. That’s a really bad idea becauseyou would erase the harddrive and mayuse your Zaurus as a beautyful doorstop.During the backup a green progress barwill show up. If the backup process iscomplete, press “Cancel” to get back to themenu screen.The created NAND backup will have thefilename systc100.dbk for the SL-C1000,systc300.dbk for the SL-C3000, systc310.dbk for the SL-C3100 and systc320.dbk for theSL-C3200.