SAFETY PRECAUTIONIMPORTANT SERVICE SAFETY NOTES.............iPrecautions for using lead-free solder ..............viCHAPTER 1. OPERATION MANUAL[1] Specifications ................................................. 1-1[2] Parts Name and Basic Operation................... 1-2[3] DIMENSIONS ................................................ 1-7[4] Regarding the lamp........................................ 1-8CHAPTER 2. REMOVING OF MAJOR PARTS[1] Removing the lamp door and the lamp unit........ 2-1[2] Removing the top body .................................. 2-1[3] Removing the main PWB unit and rear RCreceiver PWB Unit.......................................... 2-2[4] Removing the fan and power/ballast ass'y........ 2-2[5] Removing the optical mechanism unit andfront RC receiver PWB................................... 2-3[6] Removing the photosensor PWB unit,blower fan, DMD PWB, and DMD .................. 2-3CHAPTER 3. THE OPTICAL UNIT OUTLINE[1] THE OPTICAL UNIT OUTLINE...................... 3-1CHAPTER 4. ELECTRICAL ADJUSTMENT[1] ELECTRICAL ADJUSTMENT........................ 4-1[2] Adjustment mode process menu.................... 4-4CHAPTER 5. TROUBLE SHOOTING TABLE[1] TROUBLE SHOOTING TABLE .....................5-1CHAPTER 6. BLOCK DIAGRAM/OVERALL WIRINGDIAGRAM[1] BLOCK DIAGRAM.........................................6-1[2] OVERALL WIRING DIAGRAM......................6-3CHAPTER 7. PRINTED WIRING BOARD[1] MAIN Unit ......................................................7-1[2] DMD Unit .......................................................7-9[3] BALLAST POWER Unit............................... 7-11[4] BALLAST CONTROL Unit...........................7-17[5] PHOTOSENSOR Unit .................................7-19[6] FRONT R/C RECEIVER Unit ......................7-20[7] REAR R/C RECEIVER Unit.........................7-22CHAPTER 8. WAVEFORMS[1] WAVEFORMS ...............................................8-1CHAPTER 9. SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM[1] DESCRIPTION OF SCHEMATIC DIA-GRAM............................................................9-1[2] SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM ................................9-2Parts GuideSERVICE MANUALCONTENTSParts marked with " " are important for maintaining the safety of the set. Be sure to replace these parts with specified ones for maintaining thesafety and performance of the set.This document has been published to be used forafter sales service only.The contents are subject to change without notice.TopPageXV-Z3100U/XV-Z3100/XV-Z3300/DT-510PROJECTORXV-Z3300XV-Z3100DT-510MODELSNo. SX6Y3XVZ3100UXV-Z3100UIn the interests of user-safety (Required by safety regulations in some countries) the set should be restored to its orig-inal condition and only parts identical to those specified should be used.