25noticeASSOCIATING THE PIXLAB MEDIABROWSER WITH OTHER APPLICATIONSASSOCIATING THE PIXLAB MEDIABROWSER WITH OTHER APPLICATIONSThe PixLab Media Browser is OLE 2.0 compatible, so it can be associ-ated with other OLE 2.0 compatible applications.For example, thumbnail images can be dragged & dropped from thePixLab Media Browser onto the editing window of an OLE 2.0 compat-ible graphics application.This comes in handy when you want to process images frequently. Justdisplay the thumbnails in the PixLab Media Browser and load them asnecessary into the graphics application.You can tell whether the other application is OLE 2.0 compatible fromthe shape of the mouse pointer while you drag. If the pointer is asshown below, the thumbnail can be dropped in that place (in that ap-plication).If the pointer is not as shown below, the thumbnail cannot be droppedin that place. (The shape of the pointer differs according to the appli-cation and the computer’s settings.)l SHARP Corporation does not guarantee that this operation will func-tion with all OLE 2.0 compatible applications.In some cases the operation may also not function due to the set-tings of the other application.l Note that some applications may operate in unexpected ways whenthumbnails are dragged & dropped into them. It is best to save theoriginal file beforehand.