UP-3301UP SRV MODE PROGRAMMING (“2 SETTING”)– 18 –918-B: 1. Red color printing on KP when PLU's unit price is zero2. Fractional entries for non-scalable PLU/DEPT.918-C: 1. Kitchen printer recapitulation2. Printing the DEPT./PLU text on KP in double size character918-D: 1. Tip paid includes cash tip2. Clearing of tip totalizer at server Z1 report3. Printing of tip totalizer on the server report[JOB#919] : MRS=5000919-A: 1. GLU/PBLU system2. GLU/PBLU code entry at reorder (When #919:B-1 is 0 "Autogeneration")919-B: 1. Checking of server# on guest check when a reorder is made2. Guest check No. system919-C: 1. PB entry2. Amount printing when PLU unit price is $0.00919-D: 1. Conversion SBTL printing of native SBTL2. Foreign currency format[JOB#920] : MRS=6040 : INLINE PROGRAMMING AREA920-A: 1. Item print/display recapitulating.2. Back-up master function.920-B: 1. System report and down-load job is executed in the back-upmaster920-C: 1. Broadcast communication (in-line)2. PGM-mode programming at the satellite920-D: 1. The register is1. Red color printing onKP when PLU's unitprice is zero2. Fractional entries fornon-scalable PLU/DEPT.918-BNo Enable 0Disable 1Yes Enable 2 HDisable 31. Kitchen printer recapit-ulation2. Printing the DEPT./PLU text on KP in dou-ble size character918-CYes Normal size 0Double size 1No Normal size 2Double size 3 H1. Tip paidincludescash tip2. Clearing of tiptotalizer atserver Z1 report3. Printing of tiptotalizer on theserver report918-DYesNo No 0Yes 1Yes No 2Yes 3 HNoNo No 4Yes 5Yes No 6Yes 71. GLU/PBLU system 2. GLU/PBLU code entryat reorder 919-APB Look-Up system Non-compulsory 2Compulsory 3Guest Look-Up system Non-compulsory 4Compulsory 5 H1. Checking of server# onguest check when areorder is made2. Guest check No. sys-tem 919-BYes Auto generation 0 HManual 1No Auto generation 4Manual 51. PB entry 2. Amount printing whenPLU unit price is $0.00 919-CNon-compulsory No 0 HYes 1Compulsory No 2Yes 31. Conversion SBTL print-ing of native SBTL2. Foreign currency for-mat 919-DYesDecimal digits are printed 0 HOmit digits lower than tabposition 1NoDecimal digits are printed 4Omit digits lower than tabposition 51. Item print/display reca-pitulating.2. Back-up master func-tion. 920-AYes Not 2Exist 3 HNo Not 6Exist 71. System report and down-load job is exe-cuted in the back-up master 920-BDisable 0 HEnable 41. Broadcast communica-tion2. PGM-mode program-ming at the satellite 920-CExist Disable 0Enable 1By terminal No. Disable 4 HEnable 51. The register is 920-DStandard alone machine 0 HSatellite 1Master 2Back up master 3