134• CAT2 ACTION CODE (Use the selective entry)Select the CAT2 ACTION CODE from the following items:• AUTH-ONLY• DIAL• POST-AUTH• CAT2 TYPE (Use the selective entry)Select the CAT2 type from the following items:• CHECK• DEBIT• CREDIT• CAT3 ACTION CODE (Use the selective entry)Select the CAT3 ACTION CODE from the following items:COMPANY CHECK: Company checkTIP ENTRY: Tip EntryDEBIT-FORCE: Debit ForceCREDIT-FORCE: Credit ForceCHECK: CheckPOST-AUTH: Post authorizationDEBIT-SALE: Debit SaleCHG-SALE: Charge Sale (dial up)• CAT3 TRANS. TYPE (Use the character entry)Enter the CAT3 transaction type (max. 3 characters).• CARD# PRT. (Use the selective entry)YES: Prints the card number.NO: Not prints the card number.• CARD# FORMAT (Use the selective entry)FULL: Prints the entire card number.PARTIAL: Prints only part of the card number.• SIGN.LINE PRT. (Use the selective entry)YES: Prints the signature line.NO: Not prints the signature line.• CARD HOLDER PRT. (Use the selective entry)YES: Prints the name of the card holder.NO: Not prints the name of the card holder.• EXPIRATION PRT. (Use the selective entry)YES: Prints the card expiration date.NO: Not prints the card expiration date.• NUMBER OF RCPT (Use the numeric entry)Number of authorization receipts to be issued (1 digit: 1 to 9)If the number “0” is entered, no authorization receipt is issued.■ Charge key (continued)