!Safety rules Never cut carbon or any other material that may produce and disperseexplosive dust. It is possible that sparks from motors and other machineparts will ignite and explode the air-borne dust. Never adjust the wire brush or remove chips while the saw blade is stillrunning. It is extremely dangerous if hands or clothing are caught by therunning blade. Stop the saw blade before you clean the machine. It is dangerous if hands orclothing are caught by the running blade. Never start the saw blade unless the workpiece has been clamped firmly. Ifthe workpiece is not securely clamped, it will be forced out of the viseduring cutting. Take preventive measures when cutting thin or short pieces from the workto keep them from falling. It is dangerous if the cut pieces fall. Use roller tables at the front and rear sides of the machine when cuttinglong work. It is dangerous if the work piece falls off the machine. Turn off the shop circuit breaker switch before performing maintenance onthe machine. Post a sign indicating the machine is under maintenance.