Advanced settingService: displays service carrier.Setup: tap to enter a voicemail number.The Accessibility menu provides useful tools for users to easily interact withthe phone.• TTY mode: tap to display a list of TTY Off, TTY Full, TTY HCO (HearingCarry Over), and TTY VCO (Voice Carry Over).• Hearing aids: enabling this feature to turn on hearing aid compatibility.Use the toggle switch to enable or disable it.• Real-time text (RTT) call: allows messaging within a voice call. Use thetoggle switch to enable or disable it.RTT provides assistance to callers who are deaf, hard of hearing, havea speech disability, or need more than voice alone. In addition, RTT callsare saved as a message transcript and RTT is not available for videocalls.• Noise reduction: enabling this feature to suppress your backgroundnoise during calls. Use the toggle switch to enable or disable it.Accessibility108