36OthersOthersConditionOFFOn ContinuallyFlashing Very Rapidly (On andoff in a cycle of 1 sec.)Flashing Rapidly(On and off in a cycle of 4 sec.)Flashing Slowly (On and off in acycle of 8 sec.)Flashing Very Slowly (On and offin a cycle of 12 sec.)StatusNormalThe lamp usage has exceeded 1000 hours of operation and should bereplaced.• The lamp cover is not correctly attached. Replace it correctly.• The temperature protector has been triggered. If the room temperature ishigh, move the unit to a cool location. If the temperature within the unit ishigh, check the cooling fan (exhaust vent) and the cooling fan (exhaustvent) on the bottom of the unit. If any of the slots are blocked, removewhatever is blocking them.• The temperature protector has been triggered. If you try to turn on theunit immediately after turning off, sometimes the power does not comeon. If this happens, wait at least one minute, then turn on the unit again.• The lamp lighting voltage error detection protector has been triggered.Wait at least one minute before turning on the unit again. If this does notsolve the problem, please contact your dealer.The cooling fan has stopped. Contact your Sharp Authorized LCD ProjectorDealer or Service Center.The lamp is not turned on.• The unit was turned on immediately after being turned off. Turn off theunit, wait at least one minute, then turn on the unit again.• The lamp is dead. Replace the lamp cage. (See page 37.)Status Light MessagesSTATUS indicatorWhen the STATUS Indicator Illuminates or FlashesON/OFF INPUT SELECT AUTO SYNCPOWER STATUS