Sharp PE-105-CS Manual
Also see for PE-105-CS: Instruction manual
INTRODUCTION TO CONTROL PANELThis indicates the programyou have chosenThe operation timefor each programAFTER START-UPAs soon as the bread maker is plugged to the power supply, a beep will be heard and “1 3:00”appears in the display. But the two dots between the “3” and “00” don’t flash constantly. The bluebacklight will turn off within 20 seconds when there’s no action. “1” is the default program. “900g”and “Medium” are default settings.START/STOPFor starting, pausing and stopping the selected operation program.To start a program, press the START/STOP button once. A short beep will be heard and the twodots in the time display begin to flash and the program starts. All other buttons are deactivatedexcept the START/STOP button after a program has begun.To stop the program, press the START/STOP button for more than 2 seconds, then a long beepwill be heard, it means that the program has been switched off.PAUSE FUNCTIONAfter process starts up, you can press START/STOP button to interrupt at any time for less than 2seconds, the operation will be paused but the setting will be saved, the outstanding time will beflashed on the LCD panel.Press START/STOP button again or within 10 min without pressing any other button, the programwill continue.PROGRAM MENUIt is used to set different programs. Each time it is pressed (accompanied by a short beep) theprogram will vary. Press the button discontinuously, the 12 menus will be cycled to show on theLCD display. Select your desired program. The functions of 12 menus will be explained below.Program 1: BasicFor white and mixed breads, it mainly consists of wheat flour or rye flour. The bread has acompact consistency. You can adjust the bread brown by setting the COLOR button.04 |
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