EN -5-qualified persons in order to pre-vent any hazards.Installation Warnings• Do not operate the appliance be-fore it is fully installed.• The appliance must be installedby an authorised technician andput into use. The manufacturer isnot responsible for any damagethat might be caused by defectiveplacement and installation by un-authorised people.• When you unpack the appliance,make sure that it has been dam-aged during transport. In case ofany defect, do not use the appli-ance and contact a qualified ser-vice agent immediately. Becausethe materials used for packaging(nylon, staplers, styrofoam...etc.)may cause harm children, theyshould be gathered up and dis-posed of immediately.• Protect your appliance against at-mospheric effects. Do not exposethe stove to sun, rain, snow, etc.• The materials surrounding the ap-pliance (cabinet) must be able towithstand a temperature of min.100°C.• During usage• Do not put flammable or combus-tible materials in or near the appli-ance when it is operating.• Do not leave the cooker whilecooking with solid or liquid oils.They may catch fire due to ex-treme heating. Never pour wa-ter on flames that oil has ignited.Cover the saucepan or frying panwith its cover in order to extinguishthe resulting flame and turn thecooker off.• Always position pans over thecentre of the cooking zone, andturn the handles to a safe posi-tion so they cannot be knocked orgrabbed.• Unplug the appliance if you will notbe using it for a long time. Keepthe main control switch off. Alsowhen you are not using the appli-ance, keep the gas valve turnedoff.• Make sure the appliance controlknobs are always in the “0” (stop)position when it is not being used.• The temperature on the bottomsurface of the hob might rise dur-ing operation. Therefore, a boardmust be installed underneath theproduct.• During cleaning and maintenance• Always turn the appliance off be-fore operations such as cleaningor maintenance. You can do thisafter unplugging the appliance orturning the main switches off.• Do not remove the control knobsto clean the control panel.• TO MAINTAIN THE EFFICIENCYAND SAFETY OF YOUR APPLI-ANCE, WE RECOMMEND YOUALWAYS USE ORIGINAL SPAREPARTS AND TO CALL ONLYOUR AUTHORISED SERVICEAGENTS.