2-13Setting the Operating and System Conditions2(2) Manual measurementWith this function, you can measure distance between two points, the distance between Xcoordinates, or the distance between Y coordinates that were selected manually on the operationmain screen.Operation procedure1. Select " EXTENSION FUNC." on the"TYPE RUN COND" menu using the upand down arrow keys. Then press the SETkey.2. Select "MANL-MEAS" on the popup menuand press the SET key.3. Move the cursor to the upper function menuby pressing the TRG/BRT key and select"SCREEN." Then press the SET key.Select "OPS-MENU" on the popup menuand return to the operation screen.4. Move the cursor to the "MNU-CHG"(menu change) item on the bottomof the operation screen and pressthe SET key to change the bottommenu display. Move the cursor to"MANL-MEAS" (manualmeasurement) and press the SETkey.5. The menu items for manualmeasurements will appear on thescreen.6. Select " CURSOR1-COORD" or "CURSOR2-COORD" and pressthe SET key.7. Move cursor 1 or cursor 2 using theup/down/left/right keys. (They moveone pixel at a time.)The distance between the twopoints, and between the Xcoordinates and Y coordinates forthe two points, will change on realtime basis.8. After the positions of the points are determined, press the SET key.9. When the operation is complete, press the ESC key.The manual measurement menu items will disappear.1MONITOR OUTPUT CAM12CAPTURE IMG PARTIAL-IMG3MESSAGE DISPLAY YES(NUMERIC)4PATTERN DISPLAY YES5SHOW BINARY IMG YES6SHOW FIX IMG YES7OPS MAIN DISP YES8DISP CHG-EVAL NO9PC-MNTR NO0THROUGH DISPLAY NOqEXTENSION FUNC. MANL-MEASTYPE RUN COND SCREEN SAVE F C1 BRT1MONITOR OUTPUT CAM12CAPTURE IMG PARTIAL-IMG3MESSAGE DISPLAY YES(NUMERIC)4PATTERN DISPLAY YES5SHOW BINARY IMG YES6SHOW FIX IMG YES7OPS MAIN DISP YES8DISP CHG-EVAL NO9PC-MNTR NO0THROUGH DISPLAY NOqEXTENSION FUNC. NOTYPE RUN COND SCREEN SAVE F C1 BRTOPS-MENUMAINSELECTRETURN(TYPE00)AREA1MEAS msMEASURE 0 CAM1 POSI DEVIATION12MNU-CHG NEXT-NG CHG-C1 CHG-C2 MANL-MEAS SHORTCUTCross hair cursor 1 Cross hair cursor 2Manual measurementmenu