6NON-DUCTED INSTALLATION - Skip to page 8.The following Steps (6 thru 14) are for DUCTEDINSTALLATION ONLY.6 Re m ove L i g htPanel - held inplace with (5) #8screws. Disconnectl ig ht a s s e m blyw i r e h a r n e s s(white connector).7 Remove Air Chute- held in place withone (1) screw.Note: Be carefulnot to disconnectany wires.8 Remove Baffle from air chute.1 Remove 7” RoundDuct Plate from topof hood. Set ductplate aside - withmounting screws.2 R e m o v e t a p eholding Filters inplace. Pull downon filter tabs orfinger holes andlift filters out. Setfilters aside.3 Remove Teflon®-Coated BottomCover from hood.S e t c o v e r a n dmounting screwsaside.Teflon® is a registeredtrademark of DuPont.4 Remove Damper/Duct Connectorf rom i nside t hehood. Set connectoraside - with mountingscrews and partsbag.5 Remove either topo r b a ck w i r i ngknockout and installapproved ElectricalCable Clamp.PREPARE THE HOODTEFLON®-COATED BOTTOM COVER(Held in place with 2 screws)DAMPER/ DUCT CONNECTORELECTRICAL CABLE CLAMP9 Rotate baff le.Reinsert baffleinto air chute(as shown) sothat baffle Tabsfit all the wayinto Slots in airchute. An audible“click” will beheard when fullyinstalled. Thiswill close off theair flow throughthe non-ductedslots on top ofhood.