Read this manual carefully and keepit properly.IG-HH1ADevice with this mark is atrademark of Sharp Corporation.Plasmacluster is a registeredtrademark or trademark of SharpCorporation.HIGH DENSITY PLASMACLUSTERHEAT & COOL ION FANOPERATION MANUAL*The number in this technical label indicates theapproximate amount of ions that the PlasmaclusterIon Generating Unit emits into every 1 cm 3 of air,measured at a point near the center of a room withthe applicable floor area (1.2 m above the floor) withthe main unit placed near a wall and operating at fanspeed "6".ENGLISHHD Plasmacluster 冷暖離子抗菌機使用説明書IG-HH1A_0607.indd 1 2017/06/13 13:24:03