ENGLISHIG-DC2EIG-DC2BDevice of this mark is a trademark of SharpCorporation.“Plasmacluster” and “Device of a cluster of grapes”are registered trademarks of Sharp Corporation inJapan, the Philippines and elsewhere.*1 The number on this technical mark indicates the index ofion count per 1cm3 blown out to the air, which is measurednear the center of space (0.5m height from floor) whenthe air volume is "HIGH" by placing this product at theplace supposing a cup holder beside the driver's seat.คู่มือการใช้งานเครื่องพ่นอนุภาคไฟฟ้าพลาสม่าคลัสเตอร์净离子群离子产生器使用说明书Penjana Ion PlasmaclusterBUKU PANDUAN OPERASIMá y Tạ o Plasmacluster IonSỔ TAY VẬ N HÀ NHPlasmacluster Ion GeneratorOPERATION MANUALENGLISHภาษาไทยMALAY中文TIẾNG VIỆTRead and keep this manual carefully.โปรดอ่านและเก็บคู่มือนี้ไว้Baca dan simpan buku panduan inidengan cermat.请仔细阅读并妥善保存这本手册。Đọ c và cấ t giữ sổ tay này cẩ n thậ n.