383. Receiving FaxesUsing TEL/FAX ModeTo select TEL/FAX mode, pressuntil the arrow in thedisplay points to TEL/FAX.RESOLUTION/RECEPTION MODEWhen the reception mode is set to TEL/FAX, your fax machine automaticallyanswers all calls on two rings. After answering, your fax monitors the line forabout five seconds to see if a fax tone is being sent.♦ If your fax machine detects a fax tone (this means that the call is anautomatically dialled fax), it will automatically begin reception of theincoming document.♦ If your fax machine doesn't detect a fax tone (this means that the call is avoice call or manually dialled fax), it will make a ringing sound (calledpseudo ringing) for 30 seconds to alert you to answer. If you don't answerwithin this time, your fax will send a fax tone to the other machine to allowthe calling party to send a fax manually if they desire.Note: Only the fax will alert you to voice calls or manually dialled faxes bypseudo ringing. An extension phone connected to the same line will not ringafter the connection has been established.FAXTELA.M.TEL/FAXRESOLUTION/RECEPTION MODE