89ENRecording Disc Playback EditingBefore you start Connections Getting startedChanging theSetup menu OthersVCR functionsTime search2This feature allows you to goto a specific point on a tape byentering the exact amount oftime you wish to skip in order toreach the point.VCR/DVD COMBINATIONNA527AD1 2 365470 +108 9STOPPLAYVCR DVDPress first.1Press [SEARCH] repeatedly sothat the Time search menuappears.2Enter your desired time to skipusing [the Number buttons]within 30 seconds.TIME 2:503Press [FWD D / q] or [REVE / r] to start time search.If you want to go in the forwarddirection, press [FWD D / q].If you want to go in the reversedirection, press [REV E / r].After time search, the unit willplay the tape automatically.31VCR functions1 2 3654708 9AUDIOREPEATPAUSESEARCH SLOWMENU LISTTOP MENUSTOPPLAYFWDREVSKIPPROG.CLEAR/C-RESETVCRREC/OTR DVDREC/OTRPQRS TUV WXYZGHI JKL MNO.@/: ABC DEFSPACE DISPLAYENTERZOOMREC MODEVCRRAPID PLAYDVD CM SKIPSETUPT-SETOPEN/CLOSEEJECTTIMER PROG.DUBBINGRETURNOPERATESYSTEMVCR/DVD COMBINATIONNA527AD1 2 365470 +108 9STOPPLAYVCR DVDPress first.1Press [SEARCH] so that theindex search menu appears.2Enter the number of record-ings you wish to skip using [theNumber buttons] within 30seconds.INDEX 033Press [FWD D / q] or [REVE / r] to start index search.If you want to go in the forwarddirection, press [FWD D / q].If you want to go in the reversedirection, press [REV E / r].After index search, the VCR willplay the tape automatically.Pro.1 Pro.2 Pro.3 Pro.4 Pro.502 01 01 02 03Beginningof tape Endof tapeCURRENT PROGRAMINDEX MARKIndex search32Note• This function is not available during recording.• Every time a tape is recorded, an index mark is written on the tape.• You can make the index mark up to 20.1SearchNote• This function is not available during recording.• Press [STOP C] to stop the search.• If the tape reaches the end during the search, this unit will cancel itand rewind the tape.• You can set the time up to 9:59.1 2 3654708 9AUDIOREPEATPAUSESEARCH SLOWMENU LISTTOP MENUSTOPPLAYFWDREVSKIPPROG.CLEAR/C-RESETVCRREC/OTR DVDREC/OTRPQRS TUV WXYZGHI JKL MNO.@/: ABC DEFSPACE DISPLAYENTERZOOMREC MODEVCRRAPID PLAYDVD CM SKIPSETUPT-SETOPEN/CLOSEEJECTTIMER PROG.DUBBINGRETURNOPERATESYSTEMDownloaded from: http://www.usersmanualguide.com/