DV-550U10-4SRV Step Test( )SRV Step Test( )Step Test Modeex. DVD modeErrDisplay0 ErrDisplay1DD000200 00000000ErrDisplay0 ErrDisplay1DD000204 ********ErrDisplay0 ErrDisplay1DD000205 ********ErrDisplay0 ErrDisplay1DD000206 ********AdjDisplay( )(0xFF00)'PLAY''STILL''PLAY''PLAY''STILL''STILL''PLAY'DDT step 1 operationErrDisplay0 ErrDisplay1DD000201 00000000ErrDisplay0 ErrDisplay1DD00E201 EEEEEEEE'PLAY' or 'STILL''STILL'ErrDisplay0 ErrDisplay1DD000202 ********'PLAY''STILL'ErrDisplay0 ErrDisplay1DD000203 ********'PLAY''STILL'DDT step 1 operationExecuted till focus of DDT is turned on.DDT step 2 operationTrack balance adjustment and trackthread on are executed.DDT step 3 operationAfter RF gain is adjusted for a certaintime, the just focus is adjusted.After end, RF gain adjustment is startedagain.DDT step 4 operationFocus gain is adjusted.DDT step 5 operationTrack gain is adjusted.DDT step 6 operationOn the 2-layer disc, the just focusadjustment and focus gain adjustmentof layer 1 are done.On CD, interrupt of SUB-Q is allowed,TOC is read/set, and mute is turned off.(for error)(for error)(for error)(for error)(for error)(for error)ErrDisplay0 ErrDisplay1DD00E202 EEEEEEEEErrDisplay0 ErrDisplay1DD00E203 EEEEEEEEErrDisplay0 ErrDisplay1DD00E204 EEEEEEEEErrDisplay0 ErrDisplay1DD00E205 EEEEEEEEErrDisplay0 ErrDisplay1DD00E206 EEEEEEEEDDT step 2 operationDDT step 3 operationDDT step 4 operationDDT step 5 operationDDT step 6 operation'PLAY' or 'STILL''PLAY' or 'STILL''PLAY' or 'STILL''PLAY' or 'STILL''PLAY' or 'STILL'Servo adjustment valueReading-out mode