Sharp CE-130T Service Manual
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-CE-l80TSHARP SERVICE MANUALINTRODUCTIONIy COIiI,ectllll 1tIis IntIrf_ '-- die SHARP computer will! ... rial 1/0 functionlUdI • tIIa f'C.l350, end _",., computer or perlpheraJ davlce wltll an RS-232CimBrfce.lnfamIatIon CItI be Intan:hanged be_ dI. computaJ, and die device.EIICIIIIt far tIIa ~ end output ....... tIIa sari81 110 functio"'\ of the SHARP ~fIUt8n anfonn tD tIIa ftS.232C ltIndanI. Thil interf.: ... djum!dle Input end output..... tD die RS-232C atandanI.8orIoi 110_lii0iSPECIFICATIONSMocteI: CE-l3OT RS-232C lev.1 conv.rtar"""'1cabIe 1tIIIdIrd:·, 'IIA R&232CContIacton II18II: ,. 1J.t11n male conlllC1or for connectIon widl the PC-1350 etc.... !2IiIbi connector, OB·26W, for connecilon wldl an extern.1"",dniCLI'awer IUIIIIIY 10_ 4 .. V CDC' NJ.Cd rec:hargeable betteryI'awer -.mptkm:' .,.....V IDe, 0.4& WBIltery QpIICIty: ' ApproJi." houn of operation wldl15-ho!1r chargelnIMJOutput ~' ., . . i· i___:....---• lI!actI outPUt terminal iI Clplbl. of dl:lvlng OM CMOS IC.88(W) x 11110' x 62{H' mm(:J.3/II"(W) x 4·17/32"{O, X 2·1/1S"IHlli4OOtI10.89 1111.'Connector cover112; RS-232C terminal aI\d 16-pln connectorl,AC adIptor C1; EA·l1 E I, Operation mallllal 111Wlltht:Acotaor18l:. .CONNECTIONRSo232CTERMINAL--=CODE: OOZCE130TS/MEMODEL CE-130TP.S-232C Level converter11' Turn off th. power to the int.rface, th. computer end the other davice.12' Rarnova tha terminal COvtrl from tha connector of th. interf_ end from thacomputer.13'. Connect the 1S-pin connector of the interface to th. serial 1/0 terminal on thecomputer.Conneet the RS-232C ceble 01 the other device to the RS-232C terminal on th.CE·130T .(41 Turn on the power to tha davice, the computer Ind then the interface.Note: • Whanever connec:ting the interface to or dilCOnneeting it from a computeror a device. turn off the power to both the computer or the device and the .interface. If the power il left on wh,n connecting or disconnecting. thecomputer or the davice may ItOP tuilctioning. If thil Ihould happen. relerto th. operation manual tor the computer or the davice.• For programming. reter to the command explanations tor 'the serial 1/0OUtput 01 tho computer.SIGNALS USED IN THE RS·232C INTERFACERSo232CThe RS-232C Is thl standardS by EIA IEleetronlCl IndustrieI Aaociationl whidl Ö lestablilhed to set thl ltendlrd int'rflCing requirementl between th. dote termInII unitInd tha data communicatlon unit.Main parts of this standardI d.finlS the fOliowing conditlom:(1' Eleetrical chareetaristics12' Functlom of Intarfacing sianlll(11 Electrical charac:terl11ics11 Input lignll below -3V il regarded .. MARK, end lbova +3V .. SPACE.21 Loed Ilde impadance iIhaIt be 1 dlract current resinanc:e of more than 3Kot"", IIIIIlnlt on imP |
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