Scanning43"Professional" Scan Preferences ("Preference" Tab)Use this screen to view the settings for a displayed preview image, to check changes made to scan preferences,and to save your preferences.Changes made to the "Resolution","Image Area", and "Zoom"preferences will not be displayedwhen previewing an image."Load User Settings" buttonClick this button to review settings savedusing the "Save User Settings" button.Specify a file name in the "Load UserSettings" dialog box, and click the "Open"button to review your settings, except for the"Image Area" and "Brightness/Contrast"preferences.InteractiveBy checking this function, even withoutpreviewing the document after changingsome settings, the changed settings will beapplied to the preview image."Factory Defaults" buttonClick this button to display the dialog boxshown below, and click the "OK" button toreturn the preferences shown on the"Standard" and "Professional" screens backto the default settings."Save User Settings" buttonClick to save settings changed on the"Professional" screen. Insert a file name inthe "Save User Settings" dialog box, and clickthe "Save" button to save your settings,except for the "Image Area" and"Brightness/Contrast" preferences."Standard Mode Setting" buttonClick this button to make changes to any ofthe "Monitor", "Photo", "FAX" or "OCR"settings shown on the "Standard" screen."About" buttonClick for details on the version of the SHARPTWAIN driver. On the above screen, click on options shown inthe green boxes to make additional changes.Click this button if you do notwant to return your preferencesto the default settings.Reference:For details on the various default settings,refer to Default Settings for the SHARPTWAIN Driver.