Sealey VS1819.V3 Instructions Manual
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3.1. Assembling the Wheel Balancer.3.1.1. Place the uprights onto the base (with the bearings facing inwards). Secure to the base as shown in fig.1 below using two 13mm bolts,two washers and two 13mm nuts. You will require two 13mm spanners to hold the nuts steady and to tighten the bolts.3.1.2. Place the bubble indicator over the hole in the base and align the three holes in its flange with the three holes in the base. Secure withthe 3 small screws and nuts supplied. See fig. Thread a 13mm nut onto each foot and screw it down to the bottom of the thread but leave it loose.3.1.4. Screw the 4 feet into the base of the balancer, as shown in fig.1. Adjust the feet until the bubble indicator shows that the base is level.3.1.5. Fix the positions of all four feet by tightening up the 13mm nut to the underside of the metalwork.InSTrucTIonS ForMotorcycle WheelBAlAncerMoDEL no: VS1819.V3Thank you for purchasing a Sealey product. Manufactured to a high standard this product will, if used according to these instructions andproperly maintained, give you years of trouble free performance.1. SAFety InStrUctIonSIMPORTANT: PleASe reAD theSe InStrUctIonS cAreFUlly. note the SAFe oPerAtIonAl reQUIreMentS, WArnInGS AnD cAUtIonS.USe the ProDUct correctly AnD WIth cAre For the PUrPoSe For WhIch It IS IntenDeD. FAIlUre to Do So MAy cAUSeDAMAGe AnD/or PerSonAl InJUry AnD WIll InVAlIDAte the WArrAnty. PleASe KeeP InStrUctIonS SAFe For FUtUre USe.2. IntroDUctIon3. ASSeMBly / USeProfessional Motorcycle Wheel Balancer. Suitable for most motorcycle wheels. Includes two cones and spindle for precise, easy alignment andbalancing. uses gravity to find the heavy point of a wheel and tyre.SPecIFIcAtIon: Maximum cone Size:................................ Ø35mmcentre Spindle to Base: ............................400mmGenerAl SAFety WArnInG! Ensure Health & Safety, local authority, and general workshop practice regulations are adhered to when using this equipment.Under Health and Safety Law, Employers and Self Employed Personnel have a legal duty to ensure Safe Working Conditions for allemployees and personnel that may come into contact with this equipment. In particular they must carry out a specific risk and hazardassessment in the workplace to eliminate or reduce any risk found and must record, update and retain records of the results of thisinspection. Familiarise yourself with the applications, limitations and any possible or potential hazards of the Wheel Balancer. Maintain the Wheel Balancer in good condition. replace or repair damaged parts. Use genuine parts only. Unauthorised parts may be dangerous and will invalidate the warranty. WArnInG! check regularly for damaged parts. Any part that is damaged must be repaired or replaced before the equipment is next used. Locate the Wheel Balancer in a suitable work area, keep area clean and tidy and free from unrelated materials. Ensure that there is adequate lighting. Keep the Wheel Balancer clean for best and safest performance. remove ill fitting clothing. remove ties, watches, rings and other loose jewellery and contain and/or tie back long hair. Keep children and unauthorised persons away from the work area. Do not use the Wheel Balancer for any purpose other than that for which it is designed. Do not operate the Wheel Balancer if any parts are damaged or missing as this may cause failure and/or personal injury.fig.1VS1819.V3 Issue: 1 - 19/12/13Original Language Version© Jack Sealey Limited |
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