Sealey GA70.V2 Instructions Manual
Also see for GA70.V2: Quick start guide
InstructIons for:Four-wheel laser wheel alignerMoDEL no: ga70.V2thank you for purchasing a sealey product. Manufactured to a high standard this product will, if used according to these instructionsand properly maintained, give you years of trouble free performance.1. saFeTY insTruCTionsIMPORTANT: Please reaD These insTruCTions CareFullY. noTe The saFe oPeraTional reQuireMenTs, warnings & CauTions.use The ProDuCT CorreCTlY anD wiTh Care For The PurPose For whiCh iT is inTenDeD. Failure To Do so MaY CauseDaMage anD/or Personal inJurY anD will inValiDaTe The warranTY. Please KeeP insTruCTions saFe For FuTure use.1.1 general saFeTY warning! Ensure Health & Safety, local authority, and generalworkshop practice regulations are adhered to when using thisequipment. Maintain the wheel aligner in good condition (use anauthorised service agent). replace or repair damaged parts. Use genuine parts only.Non-authorised parts may be dangerous and will invalidatethe warranty. Locate wheel aligner in a suitable working area, keeparea clean and tidy and free from unrelated materials. warning! use aligner on vehicles that are parked on leveland solid ground. Keep the gauge clean to ensure accurate performance. Do noT use outside in damp or wet weather conditions. Do noT allow untrained persons to operate the aligner. Do noT leave the aligner unattended. warning! When setting front end alignment on commercialvehicles never make adjustments to drop arms orinterconnecting links. Doing so could result in serious tyre,wheel and steering problems. warning! the warnings, cautions and instructionscontained within this document cannot cover all possibleconditions and situations that may occur. It must beunderstood that common sense and caution are factorswhich cannot be built into this product, but must beapplied by the operator. Any alignment changes deemed necessary as a result ofusing this equipment must be made strictly in accordancewith the vehicle manufacturer’s recommendations.1.2 laser saFeTYthe GA70 utilises a class II laser that emits low levelsof visible radiation (i.e. wavelengths between 400 and700 nanometres) which are safe for the skin but notinherently safe for the eyes. the class II emission limit is set at themaximum level for which eye protection is normally afforded bynatural aversion responses to bright light. Accidental eye exposureis therefore normally safe, although the natural aversion responsecan be overridden by deliberately staring into the beam, and canalso be influenced by the use of alcohol or drugs. warning! Do noT look or stare into the laser beam aspermanent eye damage could result. Do noT direct the laser beam at any person’s (or animal’s)eyes as eye damage could result. If the beam is obstructed bya person during use, release the contact switch immediately. Do noT use the equipment while under the influence ofalcohol, drugs or whilst on medication. Be aware that reflections of the laser beam from mirrors orother shiny surfaces can be as hazardous as direct eyeexposure.2. inTroDuCTionfast, simple and accurate alignment of both front and rear wheels.optimises vehicle performance and set up after installation ormodification of steering or suspension components. simple and fastto use, it is ideal for the busy professional workshop and has a fastreturn on investment - potentially adding value to every steering orsuspension job. this fully portable kit is also ideal for track-day setup for the enthusiast. Works on practically all cars and lightcommercials with rim diameters between 320mm and 540mm.supplied with steering wheel clamp, wheel turn plates and wheeledstorage rack. supplied with comprehensive operating instructions.3. ConTenTsThe ga70 kit consists of: Mobile storage unit (see above)1. Laser Measuring Head x 2 3. steering Wheel clamp2. Alignment Assembly flags x 2 4. Dished turning Plate x 25. Extension Bobbins x 6 6. 13" Wheel spacersOriginal Language VersionOriginal Language Version GA70.V2 Issue: 1- 19/02/14© Jack sealey Limited |
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