Sealey ASH2000 Manual
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2 TONNE CAPACITY HIGH LEVELSUPPLEMENTARY STANDMODEL NO: ASH2000Thank you for purchasing a Sealey product. Manufactured to a high standard, this product will, if used according to theseinstructions, and properly maintained, give you years of trouble free performance.IMPORTANT: PLEASE READ THESE INSTRUCTIONS CAREFULLY. NOTE THE SAFE OPERATIONAL REQUIREMENTS, WARNINGS & CAUTIONS. USETHE PRODUCT CORRECTLY AND WITH CARE FOR THE PURPOSE FOR WHICH IT IS INTENDED. FAILURE TO DO SO MAY CAUSE DAMAGE AND/ORPERSONAL INJURY AND WILL INVALIDATE THE WARRANTY. KEEP THESE INSTRUCTIONS SAFE FOR FUTURE USE.1. SAFETY WARNING!DO NOT OVERLOAD SUPPLEMENTARY SUPPORT STANDS BEYOND RATED CAPACITY. OVERLOADING CAN CAUSE DAMAGETO, OR FAILURE OF, THE STANDS. POSITION LOAD ON CENTRE OF CRUTCH/SADDLE ONLY. ALWAYS ENSURE ADEQUATENUMBER OF STANDS ARE USED TO SUPPORT THE LOAD FULLY AND USE ON A HARD LEVEL SURFACE CAPABLE OFSUSTAINING THE LOAD. USE OF STANDS ON OTHER THAN HARD LEVEL SURFACES CAN RESULT IN LOAD INSTABILITYAND POSSIBLE LOSS OF LOAD. DO NOT USE ON TARMACADAM. FAILURE TO FOLLOW THESE INSTRUCTIONS MAY RESULTIN DAMAGE TO STANDS, LOSS OF LOAD RESULTING IN PROPERTY DAMAGE, SERIOUS PERSONAL INJURY OR LOSS OFLIFE.▲ DANGER! GREAT CARE MUST BE TAKEN TO ENSURE YOU LOWER THE LOADSLOWLY AND CAREFULLY ONTO THE CENTRES OF THE CRUTCH/SADDLE OF THE STANDS.9 Inspect stands before each use. DO NOT use if they show signs of damage. DO NOT use if it is suspectedthat they have been overloaded.9 Use only as specified by the manufacturer.9 These stands must be used in pairs and in conjunction with a permanently fixed lift. They are not designedto support a load on their own.9 Use no more than a single pair of stands either on the front or rear of the vehicle.9 Vehicle must have the wheels that stay in contact with the lift chocked before using the stands.9 Ensure the load does not exceed the maximum capacity as marked on the stand.8 DO NOT alter or modify the stands in any way.9 Use on a hard, level surface, e.g. concrete. DO NOT use on uneven ground or tarmacadam.9 Make sure that each stand is securely located under a strong point on the load; consult the manufacturer’shandbook for guidance.9 Ensure that height adjust locking mechanism is fully located before applying any load to the stand.9 Ensure that the load is located centrally on the saddle and that the weight is directed through the vertical axis of the stand.9 Ensure that the load and stands are stable before starting work.9 Ensure that it is not possible for the load to move before commencing any work.9 Before commencing any work undertake a risk assessment.9 Ensure that a responsible person is aware of the work about to be undertaken.9 Replace any labels on the stand should they become unreadable. This applies in particular to any warning or operation instructionlabels. If replacement labels are required, contact your Sealey stockist.8 DO NOT use stands on the highway, or anywhere else if it is deemed to be unsafe.8 DO NOT push or twist the load whilst it is supported on stands.8 DO NOT mix components between stands. Use only as supplied.8 DO NOT allow children or animals in the vicinity of loads supported on stands.8 DO NOT leave a load on stands in an area that could be considered a hazard to others or property.9 Only to be used in conjunction with permanently fixed lifts. Not mobile column lifts.8 DO NOT use the stand or multiple stands to solely support the vehicle.Original Language Version© Jack Sealey LimitedRefer toinstructionsIMPORTANT NOTE: these stands are rated singly. Used in pairs they will support twice the rated load.TAKE CARE; you may know the total weight of the load you want to support but you cannot calculate the exact weightdistribution between support points.For this reason always allow a 40% margin for error.For example: a load weighing 4tons could have a single point load of more than 2tons and two 2ton supports would notbe adequate.NOTE: Sold singly but must be used in pairs. Only to be used in conjunction with permanently fixed lifts. Notmobile column lifts.ASH2000 Issue 1 16/05/22 |
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