FILE NO.SERVICE MANUALLCD Projection TVREFERENCE NO. SM5110797-00PRODUCT CODE :PLV-55WHD1 M8LA 1 122 293 00PLV-65WHD1 M8PA 1 122 364 00Original Version MODEL NO. PLV-55WHD1PLV-65WHD1U.S.A.Chassis No. M8L-55WHD100M8P-65WHD100NOTE: Match the Chassis No. on the ratingsheet on the cabinet with theChassis No. in the Service Manual.If the Original Version ServiceManual Chassis No. does notmatch the unites, additionalService Literature is required. Youmust refer to “Notices” to theOriginal Service Manual prior toservicing the unit.Give complete “CHASSIS NO." for parts orderor servicing, it is shown on the rating sheet onthe cabinet of the LCD Projection TV.