46KeystoneThis function is used to store or reset the keystonecorrectionwhen the AC power cord is unplugged.Store ....... Keep the keystone correction even when theAC power cord is unplugged.Reset ....... Release the keystone correction when the ACpower cord is unplugged.To correct keystone distortion, press the SELECT button.Keystone appears on the screen. Use the Point ed buttonsto correct keystone distortion (p.23).BackgroundSelect the background screen for when no input signal isdetected. Press the Point ed buttons to switch betweeneach option.Blue . . . Project a blue backgroundBlack . . Project a black backgroundUser . . . Project an image captured in the Logo setting.This function decides whether to display On-ScreenDisplays.On ............................ Show all the On-Screen displays. Usethis function when you want to projectimages after the lamp becomes brightenough. The factory default setting isin this option.Countdown Off......... Show the input image instead ofthe countdown when turning on theprojector. Use this function when youwant to project the image as early aspossible even when the lamp is notbright enough.Off ............................ Hide the On-Screen Displays except;● On-Screen Menu● Power off? (p.20)● No signal for Power management(p.51)● Please wait ...● Arrows for the True function in theScreen Menu (p.35)● P-TimerDisplayKeystoneSetting