10Control specifications1. Key and switchBZ : When an alarm LED is flashing and the buzzer sounds,Buzzer and remote alarm output are forcibly turned off.When an alarm lamp flashing and the buzzer does not sound, buzzer remains OFF.SET : Press this key once to enter the device into internal temperature setting mode.Press the key twice to enter the device into CO2 level setting mode.Press the key 3 times to enter the device into O 2 level setting mode.Press the key 4 times to check over-heat protection temperature.Press the key 5 times to revert to internal temperature (PV) display.: In the setting mode, the device can be shifted the 2 nd digit the 1st digit the1st decimal place.In PV display, press this key for 5 seconds or more to be Key Lock mode operative.(“L0” is displayed): In the setting mode, the blinking digit counts up.CAL :Note)In PV display, press the key approximately 5 seconds to enter the device into theinternal temperature calibration mode, press again to enter the device into the CO 2calibration mode and press again to enter the device into the O 2 calibration mode.When the CO2 setting value (SV) is 0%, the device goes into O 2 calibration mode,instead of the CO 2 calibration mode. When the O 2 is set at 18.1~21.9%, the devicegoes into PV display instead of the O2 calibration mode.In the temperature calibration mode, input FXX with key and then press ENTkey to enter the device into the function mode to obtain information of each mode.During CO 2/O2 Auto Zero adjustment (the decimal point of indicator is flashing),the CO 2/ O2 calibration will not be performed with beeping the buzzer for a secondcontinuously even if ENT key is pressed.ENT : During setting mode, CAL mode and Function mode, press the key to store thevalue. The function is not valid for the unchangeable values.CO2 gas supplyline indicator :The key is available only in Auto Changer mode (optional mode) in F08.In Auto Changer mode, press the key to switch the cylinder in use toanother one. When lamp lighting indicates as the CO 2 cylinder A incurrent use. When blinking indicates as the CO2 cylinder B in current use.Lamp is turned off if Auto Changer mode is unavailable in F08.O2/N2 gas supplyline indicator :Press the key to switch the cylinder emptied to another one. (That is AutoChanger mode).(Ex: When the O 2/N2 cylinder in current used is emptied, the lampswitches to blink.