MAINTENANCE/INSPECTION PROCEDURE4-21(1) Greasing guidelinesApply grease, with a cleaning patch. Do not use excessgrease. It may come into contact with the tape transportor drive system. Wipe any excess and clean with cleaning patch wetted in Isopropyl Alcohol.(2) Periodic greasingGrease specified locations every 5,000 hours.5-2) GreasingNOTE:Greasing Points3561241) Loading Path Inside & Top side2) Base Tension Boss inside Hole3) Arm Assembly F/L "U" Groove4) Arm Take-up Rubbing Section5) L/D Motor Gear Wheel Part6) Shaft7) Arm Assembly F/L of BumingInside Hole8) Reel S, T Shaft (G381:Yellow)9) Brake T GrooveGuide RailBase Loading Gear DriveGear Sector Gear CamGear PartBracket Side (L) Bracket Assembly Door578126431) Loading Path Inside & Top side2) Shaft3) Gear Rack F/L Moving Section4) Shaft5) Lever Tension Groove6) Clutch Assembly D33 Shaft7) Brake "S" Rubbing SectionChassis (Top)Chassis (Bottom)Guide Rack F/L Gear Rack F/L