11Need help? www.sanyoctv.com 1-800-877-5032ON-SCREEN MENU OPERATIONVIDEO2 SETTING SCREENMENU LANGUAGE SCREENDIGITAL CAPTION SCREENENERGY SAVER SCREENChoose between English, Spanish and French for yourOn Screen menu’s display language.Press ENTER on the desired language.Menu LanguageDigital CaptionEnergy Saver settings control the LCD backlightbrightness to reduce power consumption.• Level 1: Energy Saver feature is off.• Level 2: Low power consumption.• Level 3: Lowest power consumption.Press ENTER on the desired level.NOTE: ECO key may also be used as a shortcut to modify theEnergy Saver settings.Energy SaverUse this feature to establish either a Component orComposite connection to the VIDEO INPUT 2 jacks onyour HDTV.Use the CURSOR keys to select the type of connec-tion you’ll use in VIDEO INPUT 2.Press ENTER, a blue mark will appear next to theselected option.Video2 SettingSETUP ________________________Display the On Screen menu and use theCURSOR keys to select Setup.Press ENTER.Captioning is textual information transmitted alongwith the picture and sound. Turning Captioning ON (bypressing the CAPTION key during normal TV viewing)causes the HDTV to open these captions (digital oranalog) and superimpose them on the screen.NOTE: Local broadcasters decide which caption signals totransmit.Use the CURSOR and keys to modify Font,Background, and Foreground of digital caption text.